remember my beautiful friend Andreea from Manchester? well, she and her boyfriend are here on a short holiday, yey! on saturday evening we went out to El tigre, in the Chueca neighbourhood, and sunday we walked the entire day. since we arrived in Madrid we wanted to see Museo del Dibujo, a free entry and pretty young museum (it opened in 2010, one day after my birthday ^.^), but we were so busy we never got the chance. so the first time we visited it was yesterday, together with Andreea and Rich, and it’s now one of the places i love most in Madrid, no doubt about it. i’ll just show you the pictures so that you can see for yourself just how awesome it is. and i’m actually glad we waited so long to see it, because you know who is my favourite illustrator of all times? Rebecca Dautremer. and you know who’s expo is here from the 6th of june until 14th of september, and i had no idea until we got there? Rebecca Dautremer!
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i have just one regret, but a pretty painful one: she was in Madrid on the 5th for the opening, and i missed it; i guess this is what you get if you live in a wonderfully busy city but you get too wrapped up in your work. a lot of my friends know how much i love her, and have seen a lot of her books. i’m proud to say i’ve bought her latest one, Silk - written by Alessandro Baricco - so enjoy some pictures from it, darlings! i can’t wait to read it, it’s my first one in spanish!
p.s. if you want to learn more about the museum, click here, and if you want to see more of Rebecca Dautremer’s work, click here ♥